Orion Performing Arts Center
66 Republic Ave, Topsham, ME 04086
Fee Schedule
(700-seat configuration--includes lobby, concession stand)
For-Profit Organizations
$460 for 4-hour period
$75 for rehearsal period
Non-Profit Organizations
$280 for 4-hour period
$55 for rehearsal period
Municipalities within district
No charge for rental
(Staffing costs may be charged)
Other municipalities/gov’t.
Non-profit rate
Additional Use Rates
(Note that we have removed HVAC fees)
Non-profit For-profit
Piano $25 $25
Sound System $20/use $25/use
Light Board $20/use $25/use
Projector $25 $25
Dressing room
(Classroom) $20 $20
(when available) $100 $100
Custodial (per custodian)
Saturday $25/hr $25/hr
Sunday $40/hr $40/hr
Cleaning fee $100 $100
(when necessary)
900-seat set-up
(when available) $50 $50
Police (when required) Topsham Police rate
66 Republic Ave, Topsham, ME 04086
Fee Schedule
(700-seat configuration--includes lobby, concession stand)
For-Profit Organizations
$460 for 4-hour period
$75 for rehearsal period
Non-Profit Organizations
$280 for 4-hour period
$55 for rehearsal period
Municipalities within district
No charge for rental
(Staffing costs may be charged)
Other municipalities/gov’t.
Non-profit rate
Additional Use Rates
(Note that we have removed HVAC fees)
Non-profit For-profit
Piano $25 $25
Sound System $20/use $25/use
Light Board $20/use $25/use
Projector $25 $25
Dressing room
(Classroom) $20 $20
(when available) $100 $100
Custodial (per custodian)
Saturday $25/hr $25/hr
Sunday $40/hr $40/hr
Cleaning fee $100 $100
(when necessary)
900-seat set-up
(when available) $50 $50
Police (when required) Topsham Police rate